Month: November 2022

The Benefits of Off-Site Storage

Off-Site Storage

Despite living in an increasingly digital world, certain physical documents are still important. For this reason, many businesses and organisations store necessary documents in separate units for future use or reference.  This article will explore off-site storage and its benefits for holding vital documents and records.  What is off-site storage? Off-site storage, sometimes known as …

The Benefits of Off-Site Storage Read More »

Why are Catering Pods So Popular?

Food being served from a hatch.

One of the most exciting developments at Container Self Store is the introduction of our new catering pods.  Imagine having everything you need to operate a high-quality, fully functional commercial kitchen in one straightforward, reasonably priced unit. We’ve managed to bring that vision to life.  Let us introduce you to our new catering container pods …

Why are Catering Pods So Popular? Read More »

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